Monday, June 30, 2008


"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." - Jesus (John 13:34)

I love Jesus. I love how He speaks to people, how He teaches them. I love how He looks deep into our eyes, and forces our hearts to burn, to yearn, and to break. I love how He prays for me, and how He literally cries out for mercy to be given to me. I love how He loves others as much as He loves Himself. Jesus makes me cry. Makes me dream of tearing down walls. I love how Jesus saves - how He makes prison chains fall into the dust. But I love Jesus more than I love how He does things. I love the Savior more than His salvation. I haven't always done that. You see, I made a terrible mistake for many years. I loved mercy and grace more than I loved the God Who gave them to me. Because of that, I couldn't really love God when the hard times came. When all the walls came down, I cried out for rescue instead of Jesus; but to know Jesus is more important than having Him rescue me from daily problems. My life is not about avoiding messes or getting out of them. My life is about walking with Jesus Christ, and following Him through the messes and the problems of this world. Jesus loves me for who I am, not for what I can do for Him. I need to love Him in the same way, and then carry that same love into the lives of everyone I come in contact with.

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